Do you love to eat orange? Do you love color orange? Are you feeling orange? Are you orange?
Haha. I know that introduction isn’t as juicy as fresh orange juice. I don’t know what I should write to catch your attention. Lame. Lamey… I was drinking orange soda earlier before I decided to push through with writing this post. Are you ready? Last October, I joined Cebu Pacific Air’s Familiarization Tour of Nagoya and nearby prefectures. I admit that yeah, I fell in love with Japan the first time I visited almost two years ago, but I had no intentions of flying in via Nagoya Airport/CentrAir.
On our second day, we went to Toyota Aichi Plant for a tour (this deserves a different post). From Toyota City, it took us almost one hour to reach Gamagori Orange Park for lunch and an activity majority did for the first time – Orange Picking!

But first, let’s eat lunch!
Our group was served with an Asari Kamamabushi Gozen set meal for lunch with guess what type of drink? Orange Juice!
Just like little kids on an educational field trip, we paid attention to our guide, who turned out to be a kababayan! She gave us instructions on how to pick oranges the right way. We were given a go signal to just pick and eat oranges. Guests have the option to rent a basket and pay for their harvest. Apart from oranges, guests may also pick other fruits in season like strawberries (January – May), melons (June-September) and grapes (June-September). It would be fun to go back on a different season for the variety! You may watch our video here:
Gamagori Orange Park
Address: 1-93 Ogurimi, Seida-cho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0002
April 1 -10
Adults: 1,728 yen
Children: 1,620 yen
Infants: 1,080 yen
April 11 – May 10
Adults: 1,296 yen
Children: 1,188 yen
Infants: 756 yen
*Fee varies by season
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